Berg Pipe's Got Talent: Panama City Edition

Band Bid Flyer for Panama City Berg Pipe

No, we aren't putting on a talent show... though I'm sure that would provide unbeatable entertainment for everyone.. and now I wish we were! Instead, we are providing the opportunity for any Berg Pipe employees who have a band to show us what they're made of! We are accepting bids for anyone employed with Berg Pipe who may want to showcase their musical talent during the best festivities of the year: our Annual Berg Pipe Christmas Party! If you are interested, please swing by HR in Panama City with some samples of you or your band's music. If you happen to have a website or a YouTube channel, you can email with a link to your video. Once we have put together a list of applicants from employees and local bands, we will have the Employee Activity Committee vote on who gets the slot this year! 

We hope to start a great tradition with this idea that lasts, so if you don't make it this year, don't worry! You can always resubmit next year!  

We will announce winners by September 14th. Thanks!