Springing Back into Action!
Spring 2020 Points and Step Challenges
by Katie Cherry
Despite the onset of the COVID-19 social restrictions at the end of March, Panama City and Mobile were still able to “Leap” back into action with a few Vitality Wellness Challenges in February and March. Berg Pipe hosted a Vitality Step Challenge for eligible employees and a Vitality Points Challenge for employees and spouses.
Vitality is an interactive and personalized wellness program that makes it easy for Berg Pipe employees to live our healthiest lives. It incorporates the convenience of online life starting at the company’s roots, the Vitality website and its app, and extending into social media, popular apps, online shopping, and wearable technology. By completing Vitality activities such as annual health reviews, nutrition courses, interactive tools, webcasts, guided meditations, recording physical activities, and so much more, employees and their spouses collect points. These points turn into Vitality Bucks that can be used for gift cards and health equipment. For motivation, reaching point levels, denoted bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, mean even more prizes and more opportunities to win.
Berg Pipe’s Health Challenge Trophy.
For the Spring 2020 event, the trophy goes to Mobile!
Utilizing the Vitality platform, Berg Pipe had a 31-day challenge to see who could reach the silver and gold levels by the end of March. Prizes included a chance to win a $200-valued prize for reaching the silver level and a $500-valued prize for reaching gold level. Berg had 99 employees and spouses reach the silver and gold levels, an impressive feat to earn 2,500 to 6,000 points in the first three months of 2020.
Additionally, Berg Pipe reinstated the Step Challenge for a second year! The Vitality Step Challenge brought out more of the competitive side of our two locations, competing to see who could obtain the most steps in March. Panama City won the bragging rights (and trophy) with our first step challenge in June 2019… Now, the question was whether they would be able to keep those bragging rights (and trophy) in 2020. Each location created individual teams and used the Vitality app to keep track of all their steps. 63 employees stepped up to the action and collected 21.8 MILLION steps during the event! Panama City’s challenger, Berg Pipe Mobile, took over bragging rights this year by beating Panama City by a total of 1,169,217 steps for the trophy! The top team at each location took home gift card prizes and all participants at each mill had a chance to win a Garmin watch. All these activities show that Berg Pipe is definitely “in step” to living the healthiest life!
Point Challenge Winners for Berg Pipe's Spring 2020 Health Challenge. For Silver: Judson Meherg and Elwood Sandridge. For Gold: Charles Brown and Michael Guilford.
Berg Pipe Mobile Step Challenge Winning Team: Chafing the Dream. Congratulations for the win!
Berg Pipe Panama City Step Challenge Winning Team: Steppenwolf. Congratulations!