Berg Pipe Press Release: August 10, 2020


Berg Pipe Secures Large Order Amid COVID-19 Crisis

August 10, 2020 Press Release Letter


Berg Pipe Secures Large Order Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Berg Pipe, with manufacturing facilities in Mobile, AL and Panama City, FL, is excited to have been awarded a large order by TC Energy. The line pipe contract placed with Berg is part of the Keystone XL pipeline, currently under construction, that will deliver up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta, Canada to Steele City, Nebraska.  “This project is extremely important to the U.S economy, and its national interest as it further reduces the need to import oil from unstable regions in the world”, Ingo Riemer, Berg’s President and CEO said.  

One of the largest manufacturers of pipe in the nation, Berg will receive steel from multiple domestic suppliers and produce the pipe at its facilities along the Gulf Coast.  Berg will follow strict manufacturing guidelines to ensure its product is of the highest quality and in compliance with pipeline safety regulations.  This order will also keep hundreds of Berg’s employees in Mobile and in Panama City busy into next year as a result of this pipe contract.  Riemer added, “We are very fortunate to not only provide continued employment at our facilities during this pandemic, but to also contribute to the extended economic and employment impact within our communities.”

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