Posts tagged Community Engagement
2019 Step Challenge

In order to increase employee participation and shine a light on health and wellness, Berg Pipe utilized the website Power of Vitality to host a company challenge between two locations: Panama City and Mobile. Employees got together in groups of roughly 10 participants each to see which location and which teams could get the most steps over the span of a little over a month. There were some early-on and continued leaders of this challenge, and we are pleased to be able to finally announce the winners of the event.

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Berg Pipe American Heart Association Involvement 2018

Berg Pipe participated in three events with Port Pulse, the conglomeration of Berg Steel Pipe, Oceaneering, Linea, and Port of Panama City, to raise money and awareness for the American Heart Association! The American Heart Association is a national nonprofit dedicated to fighting and raising awareness about heart disease and stroke.

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